About me

Short CV

Personal information  
Full name:   Dipl.-Ing. Robert Hödl
Year of birth:   1983
Place of birth:   Graz, Styria, Austria
since 2013:   Enso Detego GmbH: RFID System Engineer
2011 – 2012:   Siemens – Rail Systems Division:
    Preventive Quality Management Engineering (student trainee)
2008 – 2009:   Siemens – Rail Systems Division:
    External Sales (minor employment)
2009 – 2013:   Master’s programme: Computer Science at the
Graz University of Technology
    Elective courses: Computer Vision, Pervasive Computing
2003- 2009:   Bachelor’s programme: Computer Science at the Graz University of Technology
1993 – 2001:   Graz International Bilingual School
Language skills:   German (mother tongue), English, French, Spanish

Occupational interests:
Computer vision, software development, distributed systems, web applications, privacy, …

Regular activities:
Sports (Tennis, Snowboarding, Surfing, …), Travelling, Reading

Entire CV: (in German)
Robert_Hoedl_Lebenslauf_2014_November.pdf   [.PDF | 233 K]

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